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Downhole Tools
Our group’s machine & downhole shops has an admirable history of repairing and manufacturing several downhole tools for local market. Some of them are: X-over Subs, Sleeves, Couplings, Drill Collars, Stabilizers, slotted liners, etc.
Artificial Lifting
Of the approximately one million oil and gas wells producing in the world, roughly 5% flow naturally; leaving nearly all of the world’s oil and gas production reliant on efficient artificial lift operations. Faraz artificial lift is committed to helping meet the country growing demand for energy.
Production Monitoring and Test
We have brought together a complete pack of production monitoring and test solutions through our world leading technology providers to make the client be certain about its production goals from monitoring and data gathering to cutting down operating and maintenance costs.
Downhole Measurement Systems
German partner’s permanent monitoring systems integrate the most advanced
permanent downhole measurement technology with surface acquisition and data
communication systems to allow remote monitoring of wells and reservoirs in
real time.